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 UNİCAR - Otomativ Turizm A.Ş - Vip Filo Kiralama



Due to the advantages of the fleet rental sector, its importance is increasing day by day and it is becoming more and more preferred among different professional groups. When choosing a fleet rental company, it is necessary to be sure of the experience and professionalism of the company. Fleet leasing companies, who know the rules of the business world (such as speed and time management), can speak to their customers in the same language, so they can help them in possible problems or in transferring information. UNICAR Automotive and Tourism Inc. is a reliable and professional fleet rental company founded by a special staff with many years of management experience in the state and private sector and acting with a “tailor-made” service approach. You can reach your high targets with the assurance of UNİCAR Otomotiv ve Turizm A.Ş.

Using company capital efficiently: You can invest your capital in other areas by renting a fleet instead of buying a vehicle.
Ease of vehicle renewal: When it comes to vehicle renewal, you do not have to deal with sales transactions, you will not have the risk of second-hand value changes.
Installment convenience: You pay with monthly fixed installments, you do not need to make a mass cash outflow.
Car insurance, insurance and tax transactions: Having a car can be compared to having a child. If you have a vehicle, its maintenance, insurance and tax services must always be done regularly. Fleet rental, motor vehicle, traffic insurance and Motor Vehicle Tax payments are made regularly and on time by fleet rental companies. Fleet rental provides tax advantage, so companies tend to rent a car rather than buy a car.
VAT discount: When you buy a vehicle, VAT becomes a cost element and cannot be used for VAT discount, while VAT can be used as a VAT to be deducted in fleet rental.
Strong balance sheet outlook: Your borrowing capacity will not be affected, as future due leases are not covered by financial liabilities. You can make your balance sheet look strong with fleet rental.
Using time efficiently:Time management is a vital issue for companies. Thanks to fleet rental, you do not have to think about many issues in terms of sales. You can get rid of other troublesome jobs by paying only the monthly rental price and you can spend your time efficiently by taking care of your core business.
You gain speed in your transactions:We offer fast solutions to our solution partners with our expert portfolio managers. With our 24/7 Customer Service, we respond to the needs of our customers in the fastest way.
You receive special service for your needs: We offer brand and model alternatives for every need that will make our customers feel privileged. We serve our customers with different terms with flexible payment and contract options. We are happy to offer additional benefits that make our customers' lives easier.

Working with Unicar means having advantages in every step of fleet leasing. Our advantages we offer you with our service experience are as follows:

Your Financial Advantages:

  • Since the vehicles are purchased under suitable conditions, they reach you with affordable budget rental costs.
  • You can deduct monthly rentals from the corporate tax base as an expense.
  • You can make VAT on the rental invoice subject to discount.
  • Unicar assumes the entire risk of second-hand value of the vehicle at the end of the period.
  • You can plan your cash flow as the rental fees are regular and fixed.
  • You can use your credit limits in banks only for your business.

Your Operational Advantages:

  • In operational fleet leasing; All document tracking, including vehicle supply and delivery coordination and contract, is carried out by Unicar.
  • Accross Turkey, contracted services may receive periodic maintenance service at no charge.
  • Turkey thanks to its widespread service network and the agreements made with high quality service with tire manufacturers, at no cost, a set of tires replaced without requesting the designated kilometers. In addition, tire storage service can be obtained if desired.
  • Things to be done after the accident are carried out by an experienced team management by the Customer Service Center, which provides 24/7 service and your damage repairs are carefully monitored.
  • In the event that damage or breakdown repairs exceed 24 hours, a replacement vehicle is supplied to the vehicle user to prevent loss of labor.
  • Insurance, traffic insurance and MTV are tracked and paid by Unicar.
  • You do not need to employ personnel for tracking vehicles.