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 UNİCAR - Otomativ Turizm A.Ş - Vip Filo Kiralama


Our company has positioned all services on “trust”. The maintenance and repairs of all vehicles are carried out only in authorized services at world standards within the scope of “trust”. UNICAR has created the safest insurance umbrella for its customers in the face of road assistance and unexpected bad surprises with the world's leading brands within the scope of “trust” in the selection of original spare parts and tire selection in all service operations.


  • With Fleet Car Rental, you provide your company with a tax advantage with monthly rental fees cut by Unicar at the end of the month. For example, Motor Vehicle Tax, which is a legally unacceptable expense, can be shown as an expense by leasing.
  • With Fleet Rental, you can calculate your vehicle expenses clearly and you will not encounter any extra expenses. You can use your credit to grow your business while you have the opportunity to invest your capital, which you do not use to buy a vehicle, into your business.
  • With Fleet Car Rental, you can reduce the rental costs from the corporate tax base, thus you will have 20% advantage. In addition, you can deduct VAT corresponding to rental fees based on VAT debt to the government.